Bernard Embden's Aston Martin Website

2007 Aston Martin V8 Vantage

Regular readers of my website will know that I sold my V-12 XJS because of my health. My heart problems have led me to re-evaluate my priorities, thus leading me to acquire a car that I have always wanted.

An Aston Martin.

In the link below are pictures of my 2007 V8 Aston Martin. It has a manual 6 speed transmission and runs on 19 inch wheels. The car has a documented 3697 miles on the odometer. Simply put, the remarkable low miles were too much for me not to buy this car.

My intention is to again document some repair/maintenance procedures that my health will allow me to do.

My primary intention however is to drive the car like I rented it, getting the most enjoyment out of it as I can.

Photographs Of My Aston Martin.

Selecting An Aston Martin Dealer.

Putting Car On Jack Stands.

Service Bulletin 0236.

Gas Cap Door Adjustment.

Battery Conditioner.

Antenna Modification.

Radar Detector Mirror Mount Install.

Timing Cover Gasket Replacement.

Updating The Navigation Unit.

Replacing The Door Struts.

Adding An Accent Color.

Adding A Cup Holder.

Replacing The Battery.

Replacing The Ambient Air Temperature Sensor.

Repairing The Dashboard Display.

Repairing The Radio Display.

Navigation Screen Will Not Open.

Installing Front And Rear Cameras.

Adding The Ultimate iPhone Mount.

Identifying and Labeling the Fuse Box.

Difference Between Torque And Horsepower.

Upgrading The Garage Floor.

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